
Shaw Swindon News

Latest Shaw Swindon news can be found on this page. Use the archive menu option for older news and the featured post slider above for other stories.

As of May 2024, the Shaw Residents’ Association has adopted a less formal operating model with no meeting minutes and infrequent updates to this website.

Storm water rips away stream bank and displaces bridge

7 December 2023 – written by Roger Ogle

I first raised my concerns about the erosion of Shaw Brook at the footbridge at the east end of Peatmoor Glades in 2017.

It was built in the late 1980s with a post and rail fence to prevent people falling the 2.5 metres into the stream. By 2017 the fence posts had fallen into the water. Since then borough or parish council staff have put up a variety of fencing after vandalism – plastic mesh, tall round top fence panels, and crowd barrier fencing.

In April 2022 a large pile of concrete, building blocks and loose rubble was dumped in the woods close to the site. Fly-tipping was suspected, but it soon transpired the borough council, in response to Councillor Keith Williams’ request for action, was responsible. The material was apparently to be used within streel gabion cages in the stream to stabilise the banks. 

The Environment Agency later ruled that gabions and waste building material were not the correct solution and vetoed such work.

Several residents demanded to see an environmental assessment because kingfishers were known to nest in the bank under the bridge. They’re protected under Schedule 1 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. No scheme of works or environmental assessment was forthcoming and no remedial work has taken place. However parish council staff have continued to realign the safety barriers as the bank was eaten away.

The power of the rainwater after the two major rain storms in October and November 2023 eroded huge quantities of material. As a result the footpath leading to the east side of the bridge is breaking up and the bridge deck has dropped by some 13 centimetres. 

The borough council will be surveying the banks and the condition of the bridge to keep the route safe for pedestrians. Long term proposals to stablisation of the stream bank and the bridge are needed. But it will be expensive and it may mean the route will have to be closed as there is an alternative, parallel, footpath next to Roughmoor Way. 

In the short term, at the very least, Swindon Council needs to remove the pile of builders rubble dumped in the woods.

Planning Inspector allows the application to build on land north of Purton Road

1 December 2023

Following two refusals by Wiltshire Council and two refusals by the Planning Inspector, the applicant got third time lucky. The planning inspector for the third public inquiry has allowed the application.

Click here for the Inspectors report.

The story so far:

  • March 2018: Wiltshire Council refuses the application. Beechcroft Land appeal the decision
  • February 2020 – The Planning Inspector holds a Public Inquiry
  • April 2020: The Planning Inspector finds against the appellant and dismisses the appeal
  • November 2020: Beechcroft land reapply for planning permission with largely the same application other than two houses fewer (79 versus 81)
  • April 2021: Wiltshire Council refused the application. Beechcroft Land appeal the decision
  • February 2023: Second appeal hearing held
  • July 2023: The Planning Inspector dismisses the appeal again
  • July 2023: Beechcroft land challenges the dismissal in the High Court – the court orders that the appeal be re-determined
  • October 2023: Third appeal hearing held
  • November 2023: The Planning Inspector allows the application.

Click here for the full background